Feeling Unmotivated? Four Tips to Keep the Fitness Fires Burning

Are you feeling unmotivated these days? Is it the winter blues or post-race blues? Maybe you are experiencing pressures from the holiday season, family obligations or work responsibilities? I get it and I’m right there with you for all of the above! Here are four tips to keep the fitness fires burning.

1 Reassess goals and your relationship with fitness activities: This is a common time to reflect on the year, while also making goals for next year. Jot down some ideas and choose several goals that excite you. Think outside-the-box with new running goals or other fitness modalities. Maybe it’s time to try resistance training, yoga or other activities.

2 Join a class or club: Most gyms offer a variety of health and fitness classes. Register for a class you’ve enjoyed in the past or one you haven’t taken yet. If you pay for a class, you are more likely to attend and get your money’s worth. You might find free online classes you can do at home. Mark the classes on your calendar and commit to doing them.

Join a run club and start meeting for weekly runs. You can search for one on the RRCA.org website, call your local running store or ask friends if they know of any locally. If running isn’t your thing, look for walking groups, hiking clubs, skiing groups or something similar. Clubs provide a whole new level of accountability, especially as you make friends and enjoy the social aspects that come with a fitness activity.

3 Join or create your own challenge: You can’t possibly scroll through any social media platform and NOT see someone doing some sort of challenge. There are people working on a run streak between the holidays and new year, running one mile per day. I’ve participated in plank challenges, squat challenges, push-up challenges and so many more fun fitness challenges. Find a challenge that interests you or make one up for yourself.

4 Find a trainer: As a relatively new NASM CPT and RRCA Level 1 Run Coach, I still offer free initial assessments. Not everyone does that. Maybe a conversation with a trainer, like me, could help you assess your relationship with different fitness pursuits and tease out a few goals that will light your fire. Almost all trainers also offer free advice, inspiration and other tips through social media platforms. Follow some trainers or other athletes that inspire you. Read their blogs or listen to their podcasts. I’m a co-host of the 40+Fitness Podcast, so be sure to subscribe and listen!

Disclaimer: Feeling unmotivated can also be a physical sign for any number of things from vitamin deficiencies to seasonal affective disorder to other forms of depression. Please seek medical attention when you need it.

We ALL go through times where motivation seems harder to find than others. Let’s motivate each other to stay active and focused on our health and fitness pursuits. Follow me on Facebook or Instagram or contact me through my website, Strong-Soles.com. Reach out if you need some help getting and keeping the fitness fires burning this winter.