New Year, New Goals

Happy New Year! The turning of the calendar elicits all sorts of emotions. Some may want to slam the door shut on 2022, while others would rather relish a few beautiful moments just a little longer. Closing the books on 2022 can be bitter or sweet or bittersweet. Nonetheless, we move forward.

Setting New Goals

Passing from one year into the next is the ultimate way to start new. We get a proverbial fresh start and opportunity to somehow be better, do more or tackle new goals. I relish this time of year and love the opportunity to think big when setting new goals. I also realize that not everyone is as excited about this oddly specific time of year to set goals. The truth of the matter is that you can set goals at any time of the year, which I often do!

At the moment, my new year goals aren’t fully formed. I have a few ideas bouncing around in my head. I’ll put them to paper and come back to them periodically to see which tugs at my heart the most. This is how I know which goals to pursue and which to discard. While the sky is the limit on what goals you choose to go after in 2023, this blog is focused on health and fitness goals. Below are my best tips for setting new year health and fitness goals.

  1. Set SMART goals: The SMART acronym is well-known in the health and fitness industry.
    1. Specific: Be clear enough in defining your goal that anyone can understand what you are trying to achieve.
    2. Measurable: Have metrics that you can use to measure the progress you are making toward you goal.
    3. Attainable: Choose a goal that is challenging, but not extreme.
    4. Realistic: Choose a goal that you are willing and able to work toward.
    5. Timely: Set dates on the calendar to measure progress and a deadline for when you expect to complete the goal.
  2. Get a physical: Meet with a doctor before starting any strenuous activity. At a minimum, get a physical. The doctor will evaluate the state of your current health and provide clearance for you to safely begin an exercise regimen. A doctor will also take various vitals and may order bloodwork. This information could be used as metrics in measuring success, depending on your specific goal.
  3. Enlist support: Discuss your goal with your partner, family and friends. Talking about the goal may help define it more clearly while also enlisting accountability partners and support. You may find people willing to join you at the gym, on a walk or run. A local run club is particularly helpful for running-related goals.
  4. Gather tools and information: Dig through your closet for comfortable athletic apparel. You may need to purchase a gym membership or have access to training equipment. You might borrow or purchase books or listen to podcasts that provide information about the goal you want to pursue. Gather whatever tools and knowledge you need to be successful.
  5. Get a coach when needed: Coaches are a valuable tool as you pursue a variety of goals. As a Level 1 Run Coach and NASM Certified Personal Trainer, I can devise a comprehensive training plan that is customized to your ability, schedule and goal. I wouldn’t discourage finding and following an appropriate online plan. However, if you need more support, a coach can help you cut through an abundance of information and well-meaning tips and tailor a training plan just for you.
  6. Get moving: Setting goals is the easy part. It’s the going-after-them that’s the hard part. Goals will remain ideas unless you take the necessary actions to achieve them. What will you do today to move forward with your 2023 goals? Take that next step!

Move Forward

The new year has started and we must move forward. Make this the year that you prioritize yourself, your health and fitness, and your happiness. Set reasonable goals, take the actions needed to be successful and move forward. Please contact me if you have any questions or need guidance. Reach out to me through my website,, or through my social channels.

Keep moving,

Coach Rachel